Alle Studienprogramme an der University of Glasgow, Schottland, für ein Auslandssemester oder einen Fulldegree.
Auslandssemester im Bachelor
- Wirtschaftswissenschaften
- Finanzen
- Accountancy & Finance
- Finance
- Rechnungswesen
- Accounting & Mathematics
- Accounting & Statistics
- Finance & Mathematics
- Finance & Statistics
- Business & Management
- Economics
- Ingenieurwissenschaften
- Ingenieurwissenschaften (andere)
- Aeronautical Engineering
- Aerospace Systems
- Civil Engineering
- Civil Engineering with Architecture
- Electronic & Software Engineering
- Electronics & Electrical Engineering
- Electronics with Music
- Mechanical Design Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering with Aeronautics
- Mechatronics
- Medizintechnik
- Biomedical Engineering
- Gesundheit
- Gesundheitswissenschaften
- Anatomy
- Neuroscience
- Physiology
- Physiology & Sports Science
- Physiology, Sports Science & Nutrition
- Humanmedizin
- Genetics
- Veterinärmedizin
- Zoology
- Naturwissenschaften & Mathematik
- Naturwissenschaften (sonstige)
- Astronomy
- Chemical Physics
- Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry
- Immunology
- Biochemie
- Biochemistry
- Chemie
- Chemistry
- Materials Chemistry
- IT
- Computing Science
- Software Engineering
- Geographie
- Earth Science
- Geography
- Geology
- Umweltwissenschaften
- Environmental Geoscience
- Environmental Science & Sustainability
- Biologie
- Human Biology
- Microbiology
- Molecular & Cellular Biology
- Molecular & Cellular Biology (with Biotechnology)
- Molecular & Cellular Biology (with Plant Science)
- Ernährungswissenschaften
- Human Biology & Nutrition
- Meeresbiologie
- Marine & Freshwater Biology
- Mathematik / Statistik
- Mathematics
- Statistics
- Pharmazie
- Pharmacology
- Physik
- Physics / Theoretical Physics
- Physics with Astrophysics
- Psychologie
- Psychology
- Pädagogik und Lehramt
- Erziehungswissenschaften
- Childhood Practice
- Rechtswissenschaften
- Rechtswissenschaften
- Common Law
- Scots Law
- Sozialwissenschaften
- Politikwissenschaften / Internationale Beziehungen
- Community Development
- Religionswissenschaften / Theologie
- Theology & Religious Studies
- Sprach- & Kulturwissenschaften & Sport
- Musik
- Music
- Philosophie
- Philosophy
- Kunst / Kunstwissenschaft
- Produktdesign
- Product Design Engineering
- Wirtschaftswissenschaften
- Finanzen
- Bachelor of Accountancy & Finance
- Bachelor of Finance
- Rechnungswesen
- Bachelor of Accounting & Mathematics
- Bachelor of Accounting & Statistics
- Bachelor of Finance & Mathematics
- Bachelor of Finance & Statistics
- Bachelor of Business & Management
- Bachelor of Economics
- Ingenieurwissenschaften
- Ingenieurwissenschaften (andere)
- Bachelor of Aeronautical Engineering
- Bachelor of Aerospace Systems
- Bachelor of Civil Engineering
- Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Architecture
- Bachelor of Electronic & Software Engineering
- Bachelor of Electronics & Electrical Engineering
- Bachelor of Electronics with Music
- Bachelor of Mechanical Design Engineering
- Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering
- Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Aeronautics
- Bachelor of Mechatronics
- Medizintechnik
- Bachelor of Biomedical Engineering
- Gesundheit
- Gesundheitswissenschaften
- Bachelor of Anatomy
- Bachelor of Neuroscience
- Bachelor of Nursing
- Bachelor of Physiology
- Bachelor of Physiology & Sports Science
- Bachelor of Physiology, Sports Science & Nutrition
- Humanmedizin
- Bachelor of Genetics
- Veterinärmedizin
- Bachelor of Veterinary Biosciences
- Bachelor of Zoology
- Naturwissenschaften & Mathematik
- Naturwissenschaften (sonstige)
- Bachelor of Astronomy
- Bachelor of Chemical Physics
- Bachelor of Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry
- Bachelor of Immunology
- Biochemie
- Bachelor of Biochemistry
- Chemie
- Bachelor of Chemistry
- Bachelor of Materials Chemistry
- IT
- Bachelor of Computing Science
- Bachelor of Software Engineering
- Geographie
- Bachelor of Earth Science
- Bachelor of Geography
- Bachelor of Geology
- Umweltwissenschaften
- Bachelor of Environmental Geoscience
- Bachelor of Environmental Science & Sustainability
- Biologie
- Bachelor of Human Biology
- Bachelor of Microbiology
- Bachelor of Molecular & Cellular Biology
- Bachelor of Molecular & Cellular Biology (with Biotechnology)
- Bachelor of Molecular & Cellular Biology (with Plant Science)
- Ernährungswissenschaften
- Bachelor of Human Biology & Nutrition
- Meeresbiologie
- Bachelor of Marine & Freshwater Biology
- Mathematik / Statistik
- Bachelor of Mathematics
- Bachelor of Statistics
- Pharmazie
- Bachelor of Pharmacology
- Physik
- Bachelor of Physics / Theoretical Physics
- Bachelor of Physics with Astrophysics
- Psychologie
- Bachelor of Psychology
- Pädagogik und Lehramt
- Erziehungswissenschaften
- Bachelor of Childhood Practice
- Rechtswissenschaften
- Rechtswissenschaften
- Bachelor of Common Law
- Bachelor of Scots Law
- Sozialwissenschaften
- Politikwissenschaften / Internationale Beziehungen
- Bachelor of Community Development
- Religionswissenschaften / Theologie
- Bachelor of Theology & Religious Studies
- Sprach- & Kulturwissenschaften & Sport
- Musik
- Bachelor of Music
- Philosophie
- Bachelor of Philosophy
- Kunst / Kunstwissenschaft
- Produktdesign
- Bachelor of Product Design Engineering
- Ingenieurwissenschaften
- Ingenieurwissenschaften (andere)
- Master of Aeronautical Engineering
- Master of Aerospace Systems
- Master of Civil Engineering
- Master of Civil Engineering with Architecture
- Master of Electronic & Software Engineering
- Master of Electronics & Electrical Engineering
- Master of Electronics with Music
- Master of Mechanical Design Engineering
- Master of Mechanical Engineering
- Master of Mechanical Engineering with Aeronautics
- Master of Mechatronics
- Medizintechnik
- Master of Biomedical Engineering
- Gesundheit
- Gesundheitswissenschaften
- Master of Anatomy
- Master of Neuroscience
- Master of Physiology
- Master of Physiology & Sports Science
- Master of Physiology, Sports Science & Nutrition
- Humanmedizin
- Master of Genetics
- Veterinärmedizin
- Master of Veterinary Biosciences
- Master of Zoology
- Sprach- & Kulturwissenschaften & Sport
- Geschichte
- Master of Ancient History
- Master of History
- Master of History of Art
- Master of Scottish History
- Kulturwissenschaft
- Master of Celtic Studies
- Master of Central & East European Studies
- Master of Classics (Classical Civilisation)
- Master of Theatre Studies
- Geisteswissenschaften
- Master of Comparative Literature
- Master of English Literature
- Master of Scottish Literature
- Medien-/ Kommunikationswissenschaften / PR
- Master of Digital Media & Information Studies
- Linguistik
- Master of English Language & Linguistics
- Master of French
- Master of Gaelic
- Master of German
- Master of Greek
- Master of Italian
- Master of Latin
- Master of Portuguese
- Master of Russian
- Master of Spanish
- Film und TV
- Master of Film & Television Studies
- Musik
- Master of Music
- Philosophie
- Master of Philosophy
- Naturwissenschaften & Mathematik
- Naturwissenschaften (sonstige)
- Master of Astronomy
- Master of Chemical Physics
- Master of Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry
- Master of Immunology
- Biochemie
- Master of Biochemistry
- Chemie
- Master of Chemistry
- Master of Materials Chemistry
- IT
- Master of Computing Science
- Master of Software Engineering
- Geographie
- Master of Earth Science
- Master of Geography
- Master of Geology
- Umweltwissenschaften
- Master of Environmental Geoscience
- Biologie
- Master of Human Biology
- Master of Microbiology
- Master of Molecular & Cellular Biology
- Master of Molecular & Cellular Biology (with Biotechnology)
- Master of Molecular & Cellular Biology (with Plant Science)
- Meeresbiologie
- Master of Marine & Freshwater Biology
- Mathematik / Statistik
- Master of Mathematics
- Master of Statistics
- Pharmazie
- Master of Pharmacology
- Physik
- Master of Physics / Theoretical Physics
- Master of Physics with Astrophysics
- Psychologie
- Master of Psychology
- Wirtschaftswissenschaften
- Master of Business & Management
- Master of Business Economics
- Master of Economics
- Gesundheitsmanagement
- Master of Health & Social Sector Leadership
- Sozialwissenschaften
- Sozialwissenschaften (sonstige)
- Master of Celtic Civilisation
- Master of Economic & Social History
- Master of Social & Public Policy
- Master of Quantitative Methods
- Master of Sociology
- Politikwissenschaften / Internationale Beziehungen
- Master of International Relations
- Master of Politics
- Religionswissenschaften / Theologie
- Master of Theology & Religious Studies
- Kunst / Kunstwissenschaft
- Industriedesign
- Master of Design & Technology Education
- Produktdesign
- Master of Product Design Engineering