Alle Studienprogramme an der Monash University, Australien, für ein Auslandssemester oder einen Fulldegree. IEC hilft dir bei der Auswahl der richtigen Kurse und der Anerkennung deiner Studienleistungen als Freemover an der Heimatuniversität.
Auslandssemester im Bachelor
- Wirtschaftswissenschaften
- Rechnungswesen
- Accounting
- Finanzen
- Banking and Finance
- Business
- Business and Commerce
- Business and Commerce (Global)
- Business Science
- Business Studies
- Wirtschaftsinformatik
- Business Information Systems
- Economics
- Management
- Management and Marketing
- Marketing
- Marketing
- Pädagogik und Lehramt
- Erwachsenenbildung
- Adult Learning and Development
- Frühkindliche Erziehung
- Early Childhood Education
- Early Childhood Studies
- Lehramt
- Primary Education
- Ingenieurwissenschaften
- Verkehrsingenieurwesen
- Aerospace Engineering
- Medizintechnik
- Biomedical Science
- Bauingenieurwesen
- Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Technology (Infrastructure - Design, Construction and Management)
- Computational Engineering
- Computer Systems Engineering
- Ingenieurwissenschaften (andere)
- Engineering
- Environmental Engineering
- Maschinenbau
- Mechatronics Engineering
- Naturwissenschaften & Mathematik
- Naturwissenschaften (sonstige)
- Anthropology
- Archaeology
- Psychologie
- Behavioural Neuroscience
- Behavioural Science
- Behavioural Studies
- Community Welfare and Counseling
- Psychology
- IT
- Computer and Information Sciences
- Computer Science
- Information Technology and Systems
- Software Engineering
- Applied Data Science
- Geographie
- Geography and Environmental Science
- Pharmazie
- Pharmaceutical Science
- Pharmacy
- Umweltwissenschaften
- Sustainability
- Biotechnologie
- Biomedical Science
- Ernährungswissenschaften
- Nutrition
- Sprach- & Kulturwissenschaften & Sport
- Geschichte
- Ancient History
- History - Politics
- History
- Kulturwissenschaft
- Asian Studies
- Australian Indigenous Studies
- Chinese Studies
- Indonesian Studies
- Japanese Studies
- Jewish Civilisation
- Neuere Philologie / Fremdsprachen
- Chinese
- English as an International Language
- English Language
- English
- French
- German
- Indonesian
- Italian
- Japanese
- Korean
- Languages
- Spanish
- Medien-/ Kommunikationswissenschaften / PR
- Communication
- Professional Communication
- Media Communication
- Geisteswissenschaften
- Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies
- Writing
- Film und TV
- Film and Television
- Visual and Media Arts
- Visual Arts
- Visual Culture
- Journalismus
- Journalism
- Linguistik
- Linguistics
- Musik
- Music
- Philosophie
- Philosophy
- Kunst / Kunstwissenschaft
- Architektur
- Architectural Design
- Interior Architecture
- Design
- Design (Visual Communication)
- Multimedia and Digital Arts
- Darstellende Künste
- Drama and Theatre Studies
- Performing Arts
- Bildende Künste
- Fine Art
- Industriedesign
- Industrial Design
- Sozialwissenschaften
- Kriminologie
- Criminal Justice
- Criminology
- Sozialwissenschaften (sonstige)
- Gender Studies
- Global Studies
- Politikwissenschaften / Internationale Beziehungen
- Human Rights Theory
- Politics
- Entwicklungsstudien
- International Studies
- Religionswissenschaften / Theologie
- Religion and Theology
- Soziale Arbeit
- Social Work
- Soziologie
- Sociology
- Gesundheit
- Gesundheitswissenschaften
- Health Science
- Midwifery
- Nursing
- Nursing Practice
- Nursing Studies
- Occupational Therapy
- Public Health
- Radiation Sciences (Informatics)
- Physiotherapie
- Physiotherapy
- Humanmedizin
- Biomedical Sciences
- Emergency Health
- Health Sciences
- Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences
- Nursing and Midwifery
- Nutrition and Dietetics
- Nutrition and Dietetics
- Obstetrics and Gynaecology
- Occupational Therapy
- Psychology
- Primary Health Care and Social Work
- Rechtswissenschaften
- Rechtswissenschaften
- Law
Auslandssemester im Master
- Pädagogik und Lehramt
- Erwachsenenbildung
- Adult Education (Global)
- Frühkindliche Erziehung
- Education (Early Childhood)
- Lehramt
- Education (Leadership, Policy and Change)
- Education (Primary)
- Education (Secondary)
- Education (TESOL International)
- English as an International Language
- Higher Education
- Erziehungswissenschaften
- Counselling
- Naturwissenschaften & Mathematik
- Mathematik / Statistik
- Applied Econometrics
- Biostatistics
- Financial Mathematics
- IT
- Applied Information Technology
- Information Technology
- Information Technology (Research)
- Information Technology Professional
- Cybersecurity
- Artificial Intelligence
- Naturwissenschaften (sonstige)
- Bioethics
- Clinical Research Methods
- Forensic Studies
- International Research Bioethics
- Reproductive Sciences
- Science
- Science and Technology
- Science Preliminary
- Science Studies
- Pharmazie
- Clinical Pharmacy
- Pharmacoeconomics
- Pharmacy Practice
- Pharmacy Practice (Internship)
- Pharmaceutical Science
- Psychologie
- Counseling
- Forensic Behavioural Science
- Mental Health Sciences - Community Mental Health
- Mentoring and Coaching
- Psychology (Counseling)
- Psychology (Educational and Developmental)
- Psychology
- Umweltwissenschaften
- Environment and Sustainability
- Environmental Science
- Wirtschaftswissenschaften
- Finanzen
- Applied Finance
- Banking and Finance
- Regulation and Compliance
- Business Administration
- Business Management
- International Business
- International Business and European and International Studies
- Business
- Business and Commerce
- Rechnungswesen
- Business and Professional Accounting
- Professional Accounting
- Accounting
- Business Economics
- Economic Studies
- Economics and Commerce
- Wirtschaftsrecht
- Business Law
- Management
- Commercialising Research
- Engineering Maintenance Management
- Human Services Management
- Information and Knowledge Management
- Information Management and Systems (Research)
- Integrated Water Management
- International Crisis Management
- Maintenance Management
- Management
- Gesundheitsmanagement
- Health Economics
- Health Economics and Evaluation
- Health Economics and Policy
- Health Management
- Personalwesen
- Human Resource Management
- Organisational Development
- Organisational Leadership
- Verwaltungswissenschaften
- Public Policy and Management
- Regulatory Studies
- Tourismus-/ Hotel-/ Eventmanagement
- Tourism
- Wirtschaftsinformatik
- Business Information Systems
- Business Analytics
- Marketing
- Marketing
- Sprach- & Kulturwissenschaften & Sport
- Neuere Philologie / Fremdsprachen
- Applied Japanese Linguistics
- Japanese Language
- Languages
- Interpreting and Translation Studies
- Linguistik
- Applied Linguistics for Language Teachers
- Applied Linguistics
- Linguistics
- Kulturwissenschaft
- Asian Studies
- Australian Indigenous Studies
- Australian Studies
- Islamic Studies
- Asian Studies
- Australian Indigenous Studies
- Medien-/ Kommunikationswissenschaften / PR
- Communications and Media Studies
- Multimedia
- Geisteswissenschaften
- Creative Writing
- Letters
- Interpreting and Translation Studies
- Publishing and Editing
- Translation Studies
- Film und TV
- Film and Television Studies
- Professional Editing
- Visual Arts
- Musik
- Music Composition
- Music Performance
- Music Studies
- Music
- Geschichte
- Oral History and Historical Memory
- Public History
- Journalismus
- Journalism
- Philosophie
- Philosophy
- Kunst / Kunstwissenschaft
- Architektur
- Architecture
- Bildende Künste
- Arts
- Arts (Research)
- Cultural Arts
- Fine Art
- Design
- Design
- Design (by Research)
- Multimedia Design
- Darstellende Künste
- Theatre Performance
- Ingenieurwissenschaften
- Werkstoffkunde
- Business Information Systems Professional
- Materials Engineering
- Systemtechnik
- Business Systems (Research)
- Umweltplanung
- Corporate Environmental and Sustainability Management
- Regional and Community Development
- Ingenieurwissenschaften (andere)
- Engineering Science (Coursework and Minor Thesis)
- Engineering Science (Research)
- Maintenance and Reliability Engineering
- Pulp and Paper Technology
- Reliability Engineering
- Verkehrsingenieurwesen
- Infrastructure Engineering and Management
- Traffic
- Transport
- Transport and Traffic
- Medizintechnik
- Biomedical Science
- Stadtplanung
- Urban Planning and Design
- Sozialwissenschaften
- Sozialwissenschaften (sonstige)
- Civil Ceremonies
- Holocaust and Genocide Studies
- Research Ethics
- Politikwissenschaften / Internationale Beziehungen
- Counter-Terrorism Studies
- Diplomacy and Trade
- International Relations
- Kriminologie
- Criminal Justice and Criminology
- Entwicklungsstudien
- Education (Professional Development Studies)
- European and International Studies
- International Development and Environmental Analysis
- Soziale Arbeit
- Social Work (Qualifying)
- Social Work (Research)
- Social Work
- Gesundheit
- Gesundheitswissenschaften
- Clinical Embryology
- Clinical Midwifery
- Clinical Simulation
- Emergency Health
- Health Professional Education
- International Health
- Nursing (IN)
- Nursing (Research)
- Occupational and Environmental Health
- Occupational Health
- Rural Health (Research)
- Wound Care
- Nursing
- Nursing Practice
- Public Health
- Rechtswissenschaften
- Rechtswissenschaften
- International and Comparative Law
- Law
- Law (Advanced Legal Practice)
- Law (Commercial Law)
- Law (Human Rights)
- Law (Intellectual Property)
- Law (International and Comparative Law)
- Law (Research)
- Law (Workplace and Employment Law)
- Local Government Law
- Legal Studies
- Juris Doctor
- Law (Juris Doctor)
- LL.M. im Ausland
- Laws (LL.M./LLM)
- Ingenieurwissenschaften
- Maschinenbau
- Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering and Bachelor of Arts
- Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering and Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering and Bachelor of Science
- Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Mechatronics Engineering
- Bachelor of Mechatronics Engineering and Bachelor of Arts
- Bachelor of Mechatronics Engineering and Bachelor of Science
- Bachelor of Mechatronics Engineering
- Medizintechnik
- Bachelor of Biomedical Science (Scholar Program)
- Bachelor of Biomedical Science Advanced with Honours
- Bachelor of Biomedical Science and Bachelor of Commerce
- Bachelor of Biomedical Science and Bachelor of Engineering
- Bachelor of Biomedical Science and Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Biomedical Science and Bachelor of Science
- Bachelor of Biomedical Science
- Bauingenieurwesen
- Bachelor of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Bachelor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Bachelor of Business and Commerce
- Bachelor of Technology (Infrastructure - Design, Construction and Management)
- Verkehrsingenieurwesen
- Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering
- Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering
- Ingenieurwissenschaften (andere)
- Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Engineering
- Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Arts
- Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Environmental Engineering and Bachelor of Science
- Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Engineering
- Bachelor of Engineering
- Bachelor of Environmental Engineering
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) and Bachelor of Biomedical Science
- Umweltplanung
- Bachelor of Science (Environmental Management)
- Computational Engineering
- Bachelor of Computer Systems Engineering
- Sprach- & Kulturwissenschaften & Sport
- Geisteswissenschaften
- Bachelor of Arts
- Bachelor of Arts (Global)
- Neuere Philologie / Fremdsprachen
- Bachelor of Arts (English Language)
- Bachelor of Arts (Languages)
- Journalismus
- Bachelor of Arts (Journalism)
- Bachelor of Arts (Journalism) and Bachelor of Science
- Bachelor of Journalism
- Medien-/ Kommunikationswissenschaften / PR
- Bachelor of Arts (Professional Communication)
- Bachelor of Arts (Professional Communication) and Bachelor of Science
- Bachelor of Professional Communication and Diploma of Professional Writing and Editing
- Bachelor of Communication
- Bachelor of Professional Communication
- Bachelor of Media Communication
- Musik
- Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Music
- Bachelor of Music and Bachelor of Commerce
- Bachelor of Music
- Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Music
- Film und TV
- Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Visual Arts
- Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Visual Arts
- Bachelor of Business and Commerce and Bachelor of Visual Arts
- Bachelor of Visual and Media Arts
- Bachelor of Visual Arts
- Sportwissenschaften
- Bachelor of Arts and Social Sciences
- Bachelor of Sport and Outdoor Recreation
- Philosophie
- Bachelor of Politics, Philosophy & Economics
- Sozialwissenschaften
- Kriminologie
- Bachelor of Arts (Criminal Justice)
- Entwicklungsstudien
- Bachelor of Arts (International)
- Soziale Arbeit
- Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Social Work
- Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Social Work (with Honours)
- Bachelor of Health Science and Bachelor of Social Work
- Bachelor of Health Science and Bachelor of Social Work (with Honours)
- Bachelor of Social Work (with Honours)
- Bachelor of Social Work
- Politikwissenschaften / Internationale Beziehungen
- Bachelor of Politics, Philosophy & Economics
- Wirtschaftswissenschaften
- Management
- Bachelor of Arts (Global) and Bachelor of Commerce
- Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Commerce
- Bachelor of Commerce
- Bachelor of Commerce (Dean's Scholars Program)
- Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Science
- Rechnungswesen
- Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Business (Accounting)
- Bachelor of Business (Accounting)
- Bachelor of Business (Accounting) and Bachelor of Business (Banking and Finance)
- Bachelor of Business Science (Accounting)
- Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting and Finance)
- Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting)
- Bachelor of Accounting
- Finanzen
- Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Business (Banking and Finance)
- Bachelor of Business (Banking and Finance)
- Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Business (Management)
- Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Business and Commerce
- Bachelor of Business (Accounting) and Bachelor of Business (Management)
- Bachelor of Business (Management) and Bachelor of Business (Marketing)
- Bachelor of Business and Commerce
- Bachelor of Business and Commerce (Global)
- Bachelor of Business and Commerce and Bachelor of Communication
- Bachelor of Business and Commerce and Bachelor of Education
- Bachelor of Business and Commerce and Bachelor of Professional Communication
- Bachelor of Business Studies
- Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Business and Commerce
- Bachelor of Business
- Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Biomedical Science
- Marketing
- Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Business (Marketing)
- Bachelor of Business (Marketing)
- Wirtschaftsinformatik
- Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Business Information Systems
- Bachelor of Business and Commerce and Bachelor of Information Technology and Systems
- Bachelor of Business Science
- Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Economics
- Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Economics
- Bachelor of Economics
- Bachelor of Politics, Philosophy & Economics
- Wirtschaftsrecht
- Bachelor of Business (Banking and Finance) and Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Business (Law)
- Personalwesen
- Bachelor of Business (Psychology)
- Sportmanagement
- Bachelor of Business and Commerce and Bachelor of Sport and Outdoor Recreation
- Bachelor of Sports Promotion and Events Management
- Naturwissenschaften & Mathematik
- Naturwissenschaften (sonstige)
- Bachelor of Arts (Global) and Bachelor of Science
- Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science
- Bachelor of Science (Science Scholar Program)
- Bachelor of Science Advanced with Honours
- Bachelor of of Science Advanced – Global Challenges (Honours)
- Psychologie
- Bachelor of Arts (Journalism) and Bachelor of Community Welfare and Counselling
- Bachelor of Arts (Psychology)
- Bachelor of Arts (Psychology) and Bachelor of Community Welfare and Counselling
- Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Community Welfare and Counselling
- Bachelor of Community Welfare and Counselling and Diploma of Community Services (AOD&MH)
- Bachelor of Bachelor of Community Welfare and Counselling and Diploma of Community Services (Disability)
- Bachelor of Psychological Science and Business
- Bachelor of Psychology (with Honours)
- Bachelor of Behavioural Neuroscience
- Bachelor of Behavioural Science
- Bachelor of Community Welfare and Counseling
- IT
- Bachelor of Arts (Professional Communication) and Bachelor of Information Technology and Systems
- Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Computer Science
- Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Information Technology and Systems
- Bachelor of Business Information Systems
- Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Business Information Systems
- Bachelor of Professional Communication and Bachelor of Information Technology and Systems
- Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Computer Science
- Bachelor of Computer and Information Sciences
- Bachelor of Computer Science
- Bachelor of Information Technology and Systems
- Bachelor of Software Engineering
- Bachelor of Applied Data Science
- Biotechnologie
- Bachelor of Biotechnology
- Bachelor of Science (Biotechnology)
- Bachelor of Science (Biotechnology) and Bachelor of Science (Environmental Management)
- Bachelor of Biomedical Science
- Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Biomedical Science
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) and Bachelor of Biomedical Science
- Pharmazie
- Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Science
- Bachelor of Pharmacy and Bachelor of Commerce
- Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Science
- Bachelor of Pharmacy
- Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Science Adv Hons (Scholars Program)
- Umweltwissenschaften
- Bachelor of Environmental Science
- Ernährungswissenschaften
- Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics
- Bachelor of Science (Food Science and Technology)
- Bachelor of Nutrition
- Pädagogik und Lehramt
- Lehramt
- Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education
- Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Education
- Bachelor of Music and Bachelor of Education
- Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Education
- Bachelor of Sport and Outdoor Recreation and Bachelor of Education
- Bachelor of Visual Arts and Bachelor of Education
- Bachelor of Primary Education
- Erwachsenenbildung
- Bachelor of Adult Learning and Development
- Frühkindliche Erziehung
- Bachelor of Early Childhood Education
- Bachelor of Early Childhood Studies
- Rechtswissenschaften
- Rechtswissenschaften
- Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Music and Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Laws
- Kunst / Kunstwissenschaft
- Industriedesign
- Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Design (Industrial Design)
- Bachelor of Industrial Design
- Darstellende Künste
- Bachelor of Music and Bachelor of Performing Arts
- Bachelor of Performing Arts and Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Performing Arts
- Architektur
- Bachelor of Architectural Design
- Bachelor of Interior Architecture
- Design
- Bachelor of Design (Visual Communication)
- Bachelor of Multimedia and Digital Arts
- Bildende Künste
- Bachelor of Fine Art
- Gesundheit
- Gesundheitswissenschaften
- Bachelor of Health Science and Bachelor of Business
- Bachelor of Nursing Practice and Bachelor of Midwifery
- Bachelor of Midwifery
- Bachelor of Nursing
- Bachelor of Nursing Practice
- Bachelor of Nursing Studies
- Bachelor of Occupational Therapy
- Bachelor of Public Health
- Bachelor of Radiation Sciences (Informatics)
- Physiotherapie
- Bachelor of Physiotherapy (with Honours)
- Bachelor of Physiotherapy
- Veterinärmedizin
- Bachelor of Science (Veterinary Bioscience)
- Pädagogik und Lehramt
- Erwachsenenbildung
- Master of Adult Education (Global)
- Lehramt
- Master of School Leadership
- Master of Education
- Master of Education (TESOL International)
- Master of English as an International Language
- Erziehungswissenschaften
- Master of Counselling
- Naturwissenschaften & Mathematik
- Mathematik / Statistik
- Master of Applied Econometrics
- Master of Biostatistics
- Master of Financial Mathematics
- IT
- Master of Applied Information Technology
- Master of Information Technology (Honours)
- Master of Information Technology
- Master of Information Technology (Research)
- Master of Information Technology Professional
- Master of Cybersecurity
- Master of Artificial Intelligence
- Naturwissenschaften (sonstige)
- Master of Bioethics
- Master of Clinical Research Methods
- Master of International Research Bioethics
- Master of Reproductive Sciences
- Master of Science
- Master of Science Preliminary
- Umweltwissenschaften
- Master of Environmental Science by Research and Coursework
- Master of Environment and Sustainability
- Master of Environmental Science
- Pharmazie
- Master of Clinical Pharmacy
- Master of Pharmaceutical Science
- Master of Pharmacy
- Psychologie
- Master of Counseling
- Master of Psychology (Counseling)
- Master of Psychology (Educational and Developmental)
- Ernährungswissenschaften
- Master of Food Science and Agribusiness
- Wirtschaftswissenschaften
- Finanzen
- Master of Applied Finance and Master of Applied Econometrics
- Master of Applied Finance
- Master of Applied Finance and Master of Business (Accounting)
- Master of Business (Banking and Finance)
- Master of Regulation and Compliance
- Master of Business
- Master of Business (Honours)
- Master of Business Management
- Master of International Business
- Rechnungswesen
- Master of Business (Accounting)
- Master of Business and Master of Professional Accounting
- Master of Professional Accounting (Advanced)
- Master of Professional Accounting
- Wirtschaftsrecht
- Master of Business (Accounting) and Master of Business Law
- Master of Business Law
- Master of Professional Accounting and Master of Business Law
- Wirtschaftsinformatik
- Master of Business (Science and Technology)
- Master of Business Information Systems (Honours)
- Master of Business Information Systems Professional
- Master of Business Analytics
- Master of Business Administration (MBA)
- Master of Business Economics
- Gesundheitsmanagement
- Master of Health Management
- Personalwesen
- Master of Human Resource Management
- Master of Organisational Leadership
- Management
- Master of Human Services Management
- Master of Information Management and Systems (Research)
- Master of Integrated Water Management
- Master of International Crisis Management
- Master of Management
- Verwaltungswissenschaften
- Master of Public Policy and Management
- Master of Regulatory Studies
- Tourismus-/ Hotel-/ Eventmanagement
- Master of Tourism
- Marketing
- Master of Marketing
- Sprach- & Kulturwissenschaften & Sport
- Geschichte
- Master of Applied History
- Neuere Philologie / Fremdsprachen
- Master of Applied Japanese Linguistics
- Master of Interpreting and Translation Studies
- Musik
- Master of Arts (Music Composition)
- Master of Arts (Music Performance)
- Master of Music Studies
- Master of Music
- Geisteswissenschaften
- Master of Arts (Creative Writing)
- Master of Arts by Research and Coursework
- Master of Letters
- Master of Interpreting and Translation Studies
- Master of Publishing and Editing
- Linguistik
- Master of Applied Linguistics for Language Teachers
- Master of Applied Linguistics
- Kulturwissenschaft
- Master of Asian Studies
- Master of Australian Indigenous Studies
- Master of Australian Studies
- Master of Islamic Studies
- Journalismus
- Master of Journalism and Master of Australian Studies
- Master of Journalism and Master of Business
- Master of Journalism and Master of Environment and Sustainability
- Master of Journalism
- Medien-/ Kommunikationswissenschaften / PR
- Master of Communications and Media Studies
- Master of Multimedia
- Film und TV
- Master of Film and Television Studies
- Master of Visual Arts
- Philosophie
- Master of Philosophy
- Kunst / Kunstwissenschaft
- Architektur
- Master of Architecture
- Darstellende Künste
- Master of Arts (Theatre Performance)
- Bildende Künste
- Master of Arts
- Master of Cultural Arts
- Master of Fine Art
- Design
- Master of Design
- Master of Design (by Research)
- Master of Multimedia Design
- Ingenieurwissenschaften
- Medizintechnik
- Master of Biomedical Science
- Werkstoffkunde
- Master of Business Information Systems Professional
- Systemtechnik
- Master of Business Systems (Research)
- Umweltplanung
- Master of Corporate Environmental and Sustainability Management
- Master of Regional and Community Development
- Ingenieurwissenschaften (andere)
- Master of Engineering Science (Coursework and Minor Thesis)
- Master of Engineering Science (Research)
- Master of Professional Engineering
- Verkehrsingenieurwesen
- Master of Infrastructure Engineering and Management
- Stadtplanung
- Master of Urban Planning and Design
- Agrar-/Forstwissenschaften
- Master of Food Science and Agribusiness
- Gesundheit
- Gesundheitswissenschaften
- Master of Clinical Embryology
- Master of Clinical Midwifery
- Master of Emergency Health
- Master of Health Professional Education
- Master of International Health
- Master of Nursing (IN)
- Master of Nursing (Research)
- Master of Occupational and Environmental Health
- Master of Nursing
- Master of Nursing Practice
- Master of Public Health
- Sozialwissenschaften
- Entwicklungsstudien
- Master of Journalism and Master of International Development and Environmental Analysis
- Master of European and International Studies
- Master of International Development and Environmental Analysis
- Politikwissenschaften / Internationale Beziehungen
- Master of Journalism and Master of International Relations
- Master of Counter-Terrorism Studies
- Master of Diplomacy and Trade
- Master of International Relations
- Kriminologie
- Master of Criminal Justice and Criminology
- Soziale Arbeit
- Master of Social Work (Forensic Studies)
- Master of Social Work (Qualifying)
- Master of Social Work (Research)
- Sozialwissenschaften (sonstige)
- Master of Holocaust and Genocide Studies
- Rechtswissenschaften
- Rechtswissenschaften
- Master of Laws
- Master of Laws (Advanced Legal Practice)
- Master of Laws (International and Comparative Law)
- Master of Laws (Research)
- Master of International and Comparative Law
- Master of Legal Studies
- Juris Doctor
- Master of Laws (Juris Doctor)
- LL.M. im Ausland
- Master of Laws (LL.M./LLM)
Certificates & Diplomas
- Naturwissenschaften & Mathematik
- Naturwissenschaften (sonstige)
- Associate Degree in Applied Sciences
- Diploma in Languages (Ukrainian)
- Diploma of Tertiary Studies
- Graduate Certificate in International Research Bioethics
- Graduate Certificate in Research Ethics
- Graduate Certificate in Science Studies
- Graduate Diploma in Bioethics
- Graduate Diploma in Reproductive Sciences
- Graduate Diploma in Science
- Psychologie
- Associate Degree of Community Welfare and Counselling
- Diploma in Arts (Behavioural Studies)
- Diploma of Psychology
- Graduate Certificate in Forensic Behavioural Science
- Graduate Diploma in Child Psychotherapy Studies
- Graduate Diploma in Forensic Behavioural Science
- Graduate Diploma in Mental Health Sciences - Community Mental Health
- Graduate Diploma in Psychology
- Postgraduate Certificate in Mentoring and Coaching
- Postgraduate Diploma of Psychology
- Geographie
- Diploma in Arts (Geography and Environmental Science)
- Umweltwissenschaften
- Diploma in Arts (Sustainability)
- Graduate Diploma in Environment and Sustainability
- IT
- Executive Certificate in Information Technology
- Graduate Certificate in Information Technology
- Graduate Diploma in Information Technology
- Postgraduate Certificate in Information Technology
- Postgraduate Diploma in Information Technology
- Professional Certificate in Information Technology
- Diploma of Information Technology
- Biologie
- Graduate Certificate in Biostatistics
- Pharmazie
- Graduate Certificate in Pharmacy Practice
- Graduate Certificate in Pharmacy Practice (Internship)
- Graduate Certificate of Pharmacoeconomics
- Mathematik / Statistik
- Graduate Diploma in Applied Econometrics
- Graduate Diploma in Biostatistics
- Sozialwissenschaften
- Sozialwissenschaften (sonstige)
- Associate Degree in Arts and Social Sciences
- Diploma in Arts (Anthropology)
- Diploma in Arts (Gender Studies)
- Faculty Certificate in Human Services Management
- Graduate Certificate in Bioethics
- Graduate Certificate in Civil Ceremonies
- Graduate Diploma in Civil Ceremonies
- Graduate Diploma in Human Services Management
- Graduate Diploma in Regulatory Studies
- Kriminologie
- Diploma in Arts (Criminology)
- Graduate Certificate in Criminal Justice and Criminology
- Graduate Diploma in Criminal Justice and Criminology
- Politikwissenschaften / Internationale Beziehungen
- Diploma in Arts (Human Rights Theory)
- Graduate Certificate in International Relations
- Postgraduate Diploma in International Relations
- Entwicklungsstudien
- Diploma in Arts (International Studies)
- Graduate Certificate in Regional and Community Development
- Graduate Diploma in European and International Studies
- Graduate Diploma in International Development and Environmental Analysis
- Religionswissenschaften / Theologie
- Diploma in Arts (Religion and Theology)
- Soziologie
- Diploma in Arts (Sociology)
- Wirtschaftswissenschaften
- Associate Degree in Business and Commerce
- Diploma of Business
- Executive Certificate in Business
- Graduate Certificate in Business
- Graduate Diploma in Business
- Graduate Diploma of Business (Management)
- Postgraduate Diploma in Business and Commerce
- Wirtschaftsinformatik
- Graduate Certificate in Business Information Systems
- Graduate Diploma in Business Information Systems
- Postgraduate Certificate in Business Information Systems
- Postgraduate Diploma in Business Information Systems
- Management
- Graduate Certificate in Commercialising Research
- Graduate Certificate in Maintenance Management
- Graduate Diploma in Information and Knowledge Management
- Postgraduate Diploma in Management (Retirement Funds)
- Rechnungswesen
- Graduate Certificate in Forensic Studies (Accounting)
- Graduate Diploma in Accounting
- Gesundheitsmanagement
- Graduate Certificate in Health Economics
- Graduate Certificate in Health Services Management
- Graduate Diploma in Health Economics and Policy
- Diploma of Health Management
- Postgraduate Diploma in Health Economics and Evaluation
- Personalwesen
- Graduate Certificate in Organisational Development
- Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management
- Postgraduate Certificate in Organisational Leadership
- Postgraduate Diploma in Organisational Leadership
- Tourismus-/ Hotel-/ Eventmanagement
- Graduate Certificate in Tourism
- Graduate Diploma in Tourism
- Graduate Diploma in Economic Studies
- Postgraduate Diploma in Economics and Commerce
- Wirtschaftsrecht
- Graduate Diploma in Law (Commercial Law)
- Sprach- & Kulturwissenschaften & Sport
- Geschichte
- Diploma in Arts (Archaeology and Ancient History)
- Diploma in Arts (History - Politics)
- Diploma in Arts (History)
- Faculty Certificate in History
- Graduate Diploma in Public History
- Kulturwissenschaft
- Diploma in Arts (Asian Studies)
- Diploma in Arts (Australian Indigenous Studies)
- Diploma in Arts (Chinese Studies)
- Diploma in Arts (Indonesian Studies)
- Diploma in Arts (Japanese Studies)
- Diploma in Arts (Jewish Civilisation)
- Diploma in European Studies
- Graduate Certificate in Australian Indigenous Studies
- Graduate Diploma in Australian Indigenous Studies
- Klassische Philologie
- Diploma in Arts (Classical Studies)
- Diploma in Classical Languages (Greek, Latin)
- Medien-/ Kommunikationswissenschaften / PR
- Diploma in Arts (Communications)
- Graduate Certificate in Communications and Media Studies
- Graduate Diploma in Communications and Media Studies
- Geisteswissenschaften
- Diploma in Arts (Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies)
- Diploma in Arts (Writing)
- Graduate Certificate in Translation Studies
- Graduate Diploma in Publishing and Editing
- Graduate Diploma in Translation Studies
- Postgraduate Diploma in Arts (Research)
- Neuere Philologie / Fremdsprachen
- Diploma in Arts (English as an International Language)
- Diploma in Arts (English)
- Diploma in Languages (Chinese)
- Diploma in Languages (French)
- Diploma in Languages (German)
- Diploma in Languages (Indonesian)
- Diploma in Languages (Italian)
- Diploma in Languages (Japanese)
- Diploma in Languages (Korean)
- Diploma in Languages (Spanish)
- Graduate Certificate in English as an International Language
- Graduate Diploma in English as an International Language
- Graduate Diploma in Languages
- Postgraduate Diploma in Japanese Language
- Film und TV
- Diploma in Arts (Film and Television)
- Diploma in Arts (Visual Culture)
- Graduate Certificate in Professional Editing
- Graduate Certificate in Publishing and Editing
- Linguistik
- Diploma in Arts (Linguistics)
- Graduate Certificate in Linguistics
- Graduate Diploma in Applied Japanese Linguistics
- Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Linguistics
- Musik
- Diploma in Arts (Music)
- Graduate Diploma in Music
- Graduate Diploma in Music Studies
- Philosophie
- Diploma in Arts (Philosophy)
- Journalismus
- Graduate Diploma in Journalism
- Kunst / Kunstwissenschaft
- Darstellende Künste
- Diploma in Arts (Drama and Theatre Studies)
- Gesundheit
- Physiotherapie
- Diploma in Arts (Politics)
- Gesundheitswissenschaften
- Graduate Certificate in Clinical Research Methods
- Graduate Certificate in Clinical Simulation
- Graduate Certificate in Emergency Health
- Graduate Certificate in Occupational Health
- Graduate Certificate in Wound Care
- Graduate Certificate of Nursing (Forensic)
- Graduate Diploma in Clinical Research Methods
- Graduate Diploma in International Health
- Graduate Diploma in Mental Health for Teaching Professions
- Graduate Diploma in Occupational and Environmental Health
- Graduate Diploma in Wound Care
- Graduate Diploma of Emergency Health
- Graduate Diploma of Midwifery
- Ingenieurwissenschaften
- Umweltplanung
- Faculty Certificate in Corporate Environmental Management
- Graduate Certificate in Corporate Environmental and Sustainability Management
- Graduate Certificate in Infrastructure Engineering and Management
- Graduate Diploma in Corporate Environmental and Sustainability Management
- Graduate Diploma in Regional and Community Development
- Ingenieurwissenschaften (andere)
- Graduate Certificate in Reliability Engineering
- Graduate Diploma in Engineering Maintenance Management
- Graduate Diploma in Pulp and Paper Technology
- Postgraduate Diploma in Infrastructure Engineering and Management
- Verkehrsingenieurwesen
- Graduate Certificate in Transport and Traffic
- Postgraduate Diploma in Transport and Traffic
- Werkstoffkunde
- Graduate Diploma in Materials Engineering
- Pädagogik und Lehramt
- Lehramt
- Graduate Certificate in Health Professional Education
- Graduate Certificate in Higher Education
- Graduate Certificate of Education (Professional Development Studies)
- Graduate Diploma of Education (Primary)
- Graduate Diploma of Education (Professional Development Studies)
- Graduate Diploma of Education (Secondary)
- Postgraduate Certificate of Education
- Postgraduate Certificate of Education (Leadership, Policy and Change)
- Postgraduate Diploma of Education
- Frühkindliche Erziehung
- Graduate Diploma of Education (Early Childhood)
- Rechtswissenschaften
- Rechtswissenschaften
- Graduate Diploma in Law
- Graduate Diploma in Law (Human Rights)
- Graduate Diploma in Law (Intellectual Property)
- Graduate Diploma in Law (International and Comparative Law)
- Graduate Diploma in Law (Workplace and Employment Law)
- Graduate Diploma in Local Government Law