Alle Studienprogramme an der University of Wollongong, Australien, für ein Auslandssemester oder einen Fulldegree. IEC hilft dir bei der Auswahl der richtigen Kurse und der Anerkennung deiner Studienleistungen als Freemover an der Heimatuniversität.
Auslandssemester im Bachelor
- Wirtschaftswissenschaften
- Rechnungswesen
- Accounting and Financial Services
- Arts in Commerce
- Business
- Arts in Economics and Finance
- Finanzen
- Banking and Financial Services
- Gesundheitsmanagement
- Public Health
- Public Health Nutrition
- Sprach- & Kulturwissenschaften & Sport
- Neuere Philologie / Fremdsprachen
- Arts in Chinese
- Arts in French
- Arts in Italian
- Arts in Japanese
- Arts in Spanish
- Arts in English Language and Linguistics (Minor)
- Arts in Indonesian (Minor)
- Geisteswissenschaften
- Arts in Creative Writing
- Arts in English Literatures
- Arts in Writing and English Literatures
- Arts in Ethics (Minor)
- Kulturwissenschaft
- Arts in Cultural Studies
- Arts in Indigenious Studies
- Arts in Cultural Studies (Minor)
- Geschichte
- Arts in History
- Arts in Ancient History (Minor)
- Philosophie
- Arts in Philosophy
- Medien-/ Kommunikationswissenschaften / PR
- Arts in Global Media and Communication
- Journalismus
- Arts in Journalism and Professional Writing
- Musik
- Arts in Music (Minor)
- Sportwissenschaften
- Exercise Science
- Exercise Science and Rehabilitation
- Sozialwissenschaften
- Politikwissenschaften / Internationale Beziehungen
- Arts in International Relations
- Arts in Politics
- Arts in Global Sustainable Development
- Arts in Asia Pacific Studies (Minor)
- Arts in Australian Studies (Minor)
- Arts in European Studies (Minor)
- International Studies
- Politics, Philosophy & Economics
- Soziologie
- Arts in Sociology
- Sozialwissenschaften (sonstige)
- Arts in Gender Studies (Minor)
- Science in Social Science
- Soziale Arbeit
- Social Work
- Kunst / Kunstwissenschaft
- Fotographie
- Arts in Photography
- Grafikdesign & Illustration
- Arts in Digital Media and Communication
- Arts in Digital Media and Communication (Minor)
- Arts in Media Arts (Minor)
- Arts in Visual Arts (Minor)
- Bildende Künste
- Arts in Art History (Minor)
- Darstellende Künste
- Arts in Creative Arts (Minor)
- Arts in Creative Production (Minor)
- Arts in Technical Theatre (Minor)
- Arts in Theatre (Minor)
- Performance
- Design
- Arts in Design (Minor)
- Arts in Design History (Minor)
- Naturwissenschaften & Mathematik
- Psychologie
- Arts in Philosophy of Psychology (Minor)
- Psychology Science
- Science in Psychology
- IT
- Business Information Systems
- Computer Science
- Information Technology
- Biologie
- Conservation Biology
- Umweltwissenschaften
- Environmental Science
- Meeresbiologie
- Marine Science
- Mathematik / Statistik
- Mathematics
- Mathematics Advanced
- Mathematics and Finance
- Biotechnologie
- Medical Biotechnology
- Chemie
- Medicinal Chemistry
- Ernährungswissenschaften
- Nutrition and Dietetics
- Nutrition Science
- Physik
- Science in Physics
- Rechtswissenschaften
- Rechtswissenschaften
- Arts in Laws
- Ingenieurwissenschaften
- Maschinenbau
- Engineering
- Werkstoffkunde
- Science in Materials
Auslandssemester im Master
- Wirtschaftswissenschaften
- Finanzen
- Applied Finance
- Business
- Business Coaching
- Science in Business
- International Business
- Business Administration
- Gesundheitsmanagement
- Health Leadership and Management
- Public Health
- Public Health Advanced
- Rechnungswesen
- Professional Accounting Advanced
- Professional Accounting
- Personalwesen
- Strategic Human Resource Management
- Marketing
- Strategic Marketing
- Management
- Management
- Naturwissenschaften & Mathematik
- IT
- Computer Science
- Health Informatics
- Information and Communication Technology Advanced
- Information Technology
- Information Technology Management
- Information Technology Studies Advanced
- Mathematik / Statistik
- Financial Mathematics
- Statistics
- Mathematical Studies
- Mathematics
- Psychologie
- Professional Psychology
- Psychology (Clinical)
- Chemie
- Science in Chemistry
- Science in Medicinal Chemistry
- Umweltwissenschaften
- Science in Earth and Environmental Sciences
- Science in Environmental Biology
- Ernährungswissenschaften
- Nutrition Dietetics
- Biotechnologie
- Science in Biotechnology
- Ingenieurwissenschaften
- Erneuerbare Energien
- Electrical Power Engineering
- Maschinenbau
- Engineering
- Rolling Stock Engineering
- Ingenieurwissenschaften (andere)
- Engineering (Electrical Tractions Networks)
- Engineering Asset Management
- Engineering Management
- Rechtswissenschaften
- Rechtswissenschaften
- Fisheries Policy
- Laws
- Maritime Policy
- LL.M. im Ausland
- Laws (LL.M./LLM)
- Gesundheit
- Gesundheitswissenschaften
- Work Health and Safety
- Work Health and Safety Advanced
- Sprach- & Kulturwissenschaften & Sport
- Philosophie
- Philosophy
- Wirtschaftswissenschaften
- Rechnungswesen
- Bachelor of Accounting and Financial Services
- Bachelor of Arts in Commerce
- Bachelor of Business
- Bachelor of Arts in Economics and Finance
- Finanzen
- Bachelor of Banking and Financial Services
- Gesundheitsmanagement
- Bachelor of Public Health
- Bachelor of Public Health Nutrition
- Sprach- & Kulturwissenschaften & Sport
- Neuere Philologie / Fremdsprachen
- Bachelor of Arts in Chinese
- Bachelor of Arts in French
- Bachelor of Arts in Italian
- Bachelor of Arts in Japanese
- Bachelor of Arts in Spanish
- Bachelor of Arts in English Language and Linguistics (Minor)
- Bachelor of Arts in Indonesian (Minor)
- Geisteswissenschaften
- Bachelor of Arts in Creative Writing
- Bachelor of Arts in English Literatures
- Bachelor of Arts in Writing and English Literatures
- Bachelor of Arts in Ethics (Minor)
- Kulturwissenschaft
- Bachelor of Arts in Cultural Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in Indigenious Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in Cultural Studies (Minor)
- Geschichte
- Bachelor of Arts in History
- Bachelor of Arts in Ancient History (Minor)
- Philosophie
- Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy
- Medien-/ Kommunikationswissenschaften / PR
- Bachelor of Arts in Global Media and Communication
- Journalismus
- Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and Professional Writing
- Musik
- Bachelor of Arts in Music (Minor)
- Sportwissenschaften
- Bachelor of Exercise Science
- Bachelor of Exercise Science and Rehabilitation
- Sozialwissenschaften
- Politikwissenschaften / Internationale Beziehungen
- Bachelor of Arts in International Relations
- Bachelor of Arts in Politics
- Bachelor of Arts in Global Sustainable Development
- Bachelor of Arts in Asia Pacific Studies (Minor)
- Bachelor of Arts in Australian Studies (Minor)
- Bachelor of Arts in European Studies (Minor)
- Bachelor of International Studies
- Bachelor of Politics, Philosophy & Economics
- Soziologie
- Bachelor of Arts in Sociology
- Sozialwissenschaften (sonstige)
- Bachelor of Arts in Gender Studies (Minor)
- Bachelor of Science in Social Science
- Soziale Arbeit
- Bachelor of Social Work
- Kunst / Kunstwissenschaft
- Fotographie
- Bachelor of Arts in Photography
- Grafikdesign & Illustration
- Bachelor of Arts in Digital Media and Communication
- Bachelor of Arts in Digital Media and Communication (Minor)
- Bachelor of Arts in Media Arts (Minor)
- Bachelor of Arts in Visual Arts (Minor)
- Bildende Künste
- Bachelor of Arts in Art History (Minor)
- Darstellende Künste
- Bachelor of Arts in Creative Arts (Minor)
- Bachelor of Arts in Creative Production (Minor)
- Bachelor of Arts in Technical Theatre (Minor)
- Bachelor of Arts in Theatre (Minor)
- Bachelor of Performance
- Design
- Bachelor of Arts in Design (Minor)
- Bachelor of Arts in Design History (Minor)
- Naturwissenschaften & Mathematik
- Psychologie
- Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy of Psychology (Minor)
- Bachelor of Psychology Science
- Bachelor of Science in Psychology
- IT
- Bachelor of Business Information Systems
- Bachelor of Computer Science
- Bachelor of Information Technology
- Biologie
- Bachelor of Conservation Biology
- Umweltwissenschaften
- Bachelor of Environmental Science
- Meeresbiologie
- Bachelor of Marine Science
- Mathematik / Statistik
- Bachelor of Mathematics
- Bachelor of Mathematics Advanced
- Bachelor of Mathematics and Finance
- Biotechnologie
- Bachelor of Medical Biotechnology
- Chemie
- Bachelor of Medicinal Chemistry
- Ernährungswissenschaften
- Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics
- Bachelor of Nutrition Science
- Physik
- Bachelor of Science in Physics
- Rechtswissenschaften
- Rechtswissenschaften
- Bachelor of Arts in Laws
- Ingenieurwissenschaften
- Maschinenbau
- Bachelor of Engineering
- Werkstoffkunde
- Bachelor of Science in Materials
- Wirtschaftswissenschaften
- Finanzen
- Master of Applied Finance
- Master of Business
- Master of Business Coaching
- Master of Science in Business
- Master of International Business
- Master of Business Administration
- Gesundheitsmanagement
- Master of Health Leadership and Management
- Master of Public Health
- Master of Public Health Advanced
- Rechnungswesen
- Master of Professional Accounting Advanced
- Master of Professional Accounting
- Personalwesen
- Master of Strategic Human Resource Management
- Marketing
- Master of Strategic Marketing
- Management
- Master of Management
- Naturwissenschaften & Mathematik
- IT
- Master of Computer Science
- Master of Health Informatics
- Master of Information and Communication Technology Advanced
- Master of Information Technology
- Master of Information Technology Management
- Master of Information Technology Studies Advanced
- Mathematik / Statistik
- Master of Financial Mathematics
- Master of Statistics
- Master of Mathematical Studies
- Master of Mathematics
- Psychologie
- Master of Professional Psychology
- Master of Psychology (Clinical)
- Chemie
- Master of Science in Chemistry
- Master of Science in Medicinal Chemistry
- Umweltwissenschaften
- Master of Science in Earth and Environmental Sciences
- Master of Science in Environmental Biology
- Ernährungswissenschaften
- Master of Nutrition Dietetics
- Biotechnologie
- Master of Science in Biotechnology
- Ingenieurwissenschaften
- Erneuerbare Energien
- Master of Electrical Power Engineering
- Maschinenbau
- Master of Engineering
- Master of Rolling Stock Engineering
- Ingenieurwissenschaften (andere)
- Master of Engineering (Electrical Tractions Networks)
- Master of Engineering Asset Management
- Master of Engineering Management
- Rechtswissenschaften
- Rechtswissenschaften
- Master of Fisheries Policy
- Master of Laws
- Master of Maritime Policy
- LL.M. im Ausland
- Master of Laws (LL.M./LLM)
- Gesundheit
- Gesundheitswissenschaften
- Master of Work Health and Safety
- Master of Work Health and Safety Advanced
- Sprach- & Kulturwissenschaften & Sport
- Philosophie
- Master of Philosophy
Certificates & Diplomas
- Wirtschaftswissenschaften
- Finanzen
- Graduate Certificate in Applied Finance
- Graduate Certificate in Business
- Graduate Certificate in Business Coaching
- Graduate Diploma in Business Coaching
- Graduate Certificate in Business Wellbeing
- Graduate Certificate in Innovation and Entrepreneurship
- Gesundheitsmanagement
- Graduate Certificate in Health Leadership and Management
- Graduate Certificate in Public Health
- Personalwesen
- Graduate Certificate in Human Resource Management
- Marketing
- Graduate Certificate in Marketing
- Rechnungswesen
- Graduate Certificate in Professional Accounting
- Naturwissenschaften & Mathematik
- IT
- Graduate Diploma in Computer Science
- Meeresbiologie
- Graduate Certificate in Maritime Studies
- Psychologie
- Graduate Diploma in Psychology
- Ingenieurwissenschaften
- Elektrotechnik
- Graduate Diploma in Electrical Engineering
- Erneuerbare Energien
- Graduate Certificate in Electrical Power Engineering
- Maschinenbau
- Graduate Certificate in Engineering
- Graduate Diploma in Engineering
- Graduate Certificate in Rolling Stock Engineering
- Ingenieurwissenschaften (andere)
- Graduate Certificate in Engineering Asset Management
- Rechtswissenschaften
- Rechtswissenschaften
- Graduate Certificate in Global Citizenship
- Graduate Certificate in Laws (Criminal Practice)
- Sprach- & Kulturwissenschaften & Sport
- Medien-/ Kommunikationswissenschaften / PR
- Graduate Certificate in Public Relations