Alle Studienprogramme an der Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spanien, für ein Auslandssemester oder einen Fulldegree. IEC hilft dir bei der Auswahl der richtigen Kurse und der Anerkennung deiner Studienleistungen als Freemover an der Heimatuniversität.
Auslandssemester im Bachelor
- Wirtschaftswissenschaften
- Finanzen
- Accounting and Finances
- Management
- Archival and Records Management
- Business Management
- Business Administration
- Business Studies
- Commerce Management and Distribution
- Companies Management
- Economics
- Industrial Relations
- Labor Studies
- Market Research Methods
- Tourismus-/ Hotel-/ Eventmanagement
- Hotel Management
- Tourism
- Wirtschaftsinformatik
- Management Information Systems
- Gesundheitsmanagement
- Prevention and Integral Safety and Security
- Verwaltungswissenschaften
- Public Administration
- Sprach- & Kulturwissenschaften & Sport
- Medien-/ Kommunikationswissenschaften / PR
- Advertising and Public Relations
- Audiovisual Communication
- Multimedia
- Translation and Interpreting
- Kulturwissenschaft
- Catalan Language and Literature
- Catalan Studies
- Geisteswissenschaften
- Classical Studies
- Classics
- Humanities
- Literary Theory and Comparative Literature
- Neuere Philologie / Fremdsprachen
- French Studies
- Spanish Language and Literature
- Spanish Studies
- Geschichte
- History
- Journalismus
- Journalism
- Musik
- Music
- Musicology
- Music History
- Teaching, specialising in Music Education
- Philosophie
- Philosophy
- Ingenieurwissenschaften
- Verkehrsingenieurwesen
- Aeronautical Management
- Agrar-/Forstwissenschaften
- Land Management
- Maschinenbau
- Mechanics
- Ingenieurwissenschaften (andere)
- Nanoscience
- Nanotechnology
- Naturwissenschaften & Mathematik
- Mathematik / Statistik
- Applied Statistics
- Mathematics
- Statistics
- Naturwissenschaften (sonstige)
- Archaeology
- Geology
- Biochemie
- Biochemistry
- Biologie
- Biology
- Microbiology
- Biotechnologie
- Biomedical Sciences
- Biotechnology
- Chemie
- Chemistry
- Industrial Chemistry
- Psychologie
- Educational Psychology
- Umweltwissenschaften
- Environmental Biology
- Environmental Science
- Ernährungswissenschaften
- Food Science and Technology
- Geographie
- Geography
- IT
- Information Systems
- Information Technology and Services
- Physik
- Physics
- Kunst / Kunstwissenschaft
- Design
- Art and Design
- Design
- Bildende Künste
- Art History
- Sozialwissenschaften
- Kriminologie
- Criminology
- Entwicklungsstudien
- East Asian Studies
- Politikwissenschaften / Internationale Beziehungen
- Political Science
- Sozialwissenschaften (sonstige)
- Social and Cultural Anthropology
- Social Education
- Soziologie
- Sociology
- Pädagogik und Lehramt
- Frühkindliche Erziehung
- Early Childhood Education
- Teaching, specialising in Early Childhood Education
- Lehramt
- Education Studies
- Primary Education
- Teaching, specialising in a Foreign Language
- Teaching, specialising in Physical Education
- Teaching, specialising in Special Education
- Teaching, specialising in Primary Education
- Rechtswissenschaften
- Rechtswissenschaften
- Law
- Gesundheit
- Gesundheitswissenschaften
- Nursing
- Occupational Therapy
- Podiatry
- Speech Therapy
- Physiotherapie
- Physiotherapy
Auslandssemester im Master
- Sprach- & Kulturwissenschaften & Sport
- Neuere Philologie / Fremdsprachen
- Spanish Language
- Linguistik
- Introduction to Catalan Language (6 ECTS)
- Wirtschaftswissenschaften
- Management
- Digital Marketing for Managers (6 ETCS)
- Developing Creativity and Creative Cultures in Organisations (6 ECTS)
- Intercultural Communication and Management (6 ECTS)
- Managing Pricing Strategies (6 ECTS)
- Managing Product and Brand Promotions: Integrated Communications for Effective Marketing (6 ECTS)
- Business Ethics (6 ECTS)
Summer School
- Sprach- & Kulturwissenschaften & Sport
- Neuere Philologie / Fremdsprachen
- Spanish Language
- Español para los negocios
- Kulturwissenschaft
- Spanish Art and Cultural Heritage
- Spanish Civilisation and Culture
- Wirtschaftswissenschaften
- Management
- Cross-cultural Management
- International Business
- E-Commerce and Online Businesses
- Marketing
- International Marketing Strategies
- International Economics
- Kunst / Kunstwissenschaft
- Bildende Künste
- The Great Art Collections In Spain
- Sozialwissenschaften
- Politikwissenschaften / Internationale Beziehungen
- Mediterranean Politics