Die passende Universität für dein Auslandssemester:
Uni- und Programmsuche

Studieren in Thailand

Auslandssemester in Thailand – Erlebe in Phuket oder Bangkok ein unvergessliches Auslandsstudium zu niedrigen Studiengebühren.

Erfahrungsberichte Thailand

Die Erfahrungsberichte unserer Freemover in Thailand. Unsere IEC Ambassadors berichten vor Ort über das Leben als Freemover im Auslandssemester in Thailand. Hier findest du die ganz subjektiven Eindrücke deines möglichen Studienortes. Von Studierenden für Studierende.

„My destination was the Kasetsart University in Bangkok. I wanted to go on exchange in Asia because I have always been interested in Asian culture,[…]”
„After a few months of living there I got to know the “real Asia”. You will never get to know it unless you live there for a while. The “real Asia” is[…]”
„Asia and Thailand are suitable if you want to gain knowledge and experience of South-East Asia related to your studies. Also Asia is a nice[…]”
Anna-Lena Brosell , Passau U

Auslandssemester im Bachelor /

„It is nice that so many things are always happening here. I also like the Thai language and the food and is really cheap. I also wanted to improve my[…]”
Fridolin Schraffl , TU Wien

Auslandssemester im Bachelor /